In any physical activity, risk of serious physical injury is possible. Yoga and other activity is no substitute for medical diagnosis and/or treatment. By signing up for a class with West Town Unwind you:
Acknowledge that you have read the booking information including the location of the class, referred to as the Hosting Location.
Agree to treat everyone at the Hosting Location and the space itself with respect.
Assume the risk of yoga or other activity hosted by West Town Unwind and release the teacher(s) and the Hosting Location, as listed in the booking information, from any liability claims.
Are aware of the physical risks involved with exercise and understand it is your personal responsibility to consult with your doctor regarding your participation. You have no medical conditions that you are aware of, which would prevent you from taking part in classes or workshops, and assume responsibility for any risk or injury you may sustain as a result of your participation.
Have read the above release and waiver of liability and understand its contents. You understand that it is your responsibility to select classes and services that align with your abilities.